Fwd: Re: Dive Stats: "Average" depth lower than "Minimum" depth

Lutz Vieweg lvml at 5t9.de
Fri May 30 10:03:10 PDT 2014

On 05/30/2014 03:51 PM, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
>>> Dive Stats: "Average" depth lower than "Minimum" depth
> Correct. This bug gets filed or reported every once in a while. But no one
> has come up with a better way to phrase it.

It would help to separate the displays of the
minimum and maximum depths visually from the
display of the average depth, as the placement/
grouping of those three values in one box currently
suggests they are min/avg/max of the same data set,
which they are not. "min"/"max" are computed
over the set of maximum depths, "avg" is computed
over the set of "all samples of all dives".

>>> (*) I'm now spoilt for life with regards to Manta sightings.
>>>      Two consecutive dives with > 10 Mantas present the whole
>>>      time of the dive in Pulau Langkoi (south Komodo) leave
>>>      little room for improvements. ;-)
>> We're all a wee bit jealous
> How close were they? How big were they?

As close as you wanted them - they were circling over a cleaning
station and if you placed yourself in their "approach"-path they
avoided collisions by mere centimeters. They were about 3m wide.

I did, of course, record countless minutes of video on those two dives,
and retained about 7 minutes of those in my final cut. (Should anybody
be interested, I can post a link to archive.org once it's uploaded.)


Lutz Vieweg

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