CCR CSV input inconsistency

Willem Ferguson willemferguson at
Wed Nov 5 03:30:43 PST 2014


The inconsistency I found after locally implementing your patch of 
moving the declaration of cur_cylinder_index from outside to inside the 
function parse_txt_file() was that the starting cylinder pressure of the 
diluent cylinder is lost starting at the second of a series of 
consecutive imports (i.e. the first import is ok but the ones afterwards 
not). This may be suggestive that the value of diluent_pressure is not 
re-initialised before the loop that parses the CSV text.
1) If I insert the following:
cylinder_pressure = 0;
diluent_pressure = 0;
just before the for (;;) {, then the problem is solved. All diluent 
cylinder values are initialised correctly.

2) Now these two variables are initalised every time the function runs, 
but they are static. If I take away the static attribute so that the 
declaration is just:
         int diluent_pressure = 0, cylinder_pressure = 0;
Then the problem is also solved.

I have no idea whether these variables, because of their static 
attribute should have any meaning outside of the function and I am not 
sure whether it is safe to remove the static attribute.
Your opinion, please?
Kind regards,

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