outdated informations in the translations of the website

Salvo Tomaselli tiposchi at tiscali.it
Tue Nov 11 13:20:54 PST 2014


I've just updated the italian build page to mention the debian problem with 

It occurred to me to check the other translations and basically no other 
language has any mention of libgit2 (not even in the dependencies).

I believe that having outdated translations is much worse than having no 
translations at all, because you end up with missing information and you might 
not think to change the language of your browser in the settings, to obtain 
the information that you're looking for.

I don't know how this would work with wordpress, but it'd be best if the 
translation of a page was automatically removed after the English version has 
been modified, and then the translator can manually check the differences and 
enable the translated page again.

But anyway, I believe that something needs to be done, either keep the 
translations very up to date or just give up and localize just the executable.

Salvo Tomaselli

"Io non mi sento obbligato a credere che lo stesso Dio che ci ha dotato di 
senso, ragione ed intelletto intendesse che noi ne facessimo a meno."
                -- Galileo Galilei


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