4.2 in Debian, OpenSUSE, Mageia, Gentoo

Tim Wootton tim at tee-jay.demon.co.uk
Sat Oct 18 15:07:29 PDT 2014

On 29/08/14 14:02, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 09:29:14AM +0200, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Actually, subsurface 4.2 is already in Debian experimental https://packages.debian.org/experimental/subsurface
> Yes, I now point to that on our website
>> Unfortunately, I cannot upload it in unstable for now because libgit2 API is not (yet?) stable:
>> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=745960
>> I will try to see with the maintainer if we can get an upload in unstable...
> I believe there are API stability issues.

Looks like libgit2 finally made it into debian testing (jessie)

>> By the way, I haven't dig yet but it seems that the libgit2 detection is failing on some archs:
>> https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=subsurface&suite=experimental
> Oh wow. So several platforms are missing dependencies (libqtwebkit-dev on
> arm64 and libmarble-dev on ppc64el).
> The Hurd bug is fixed in the latest master (so that will be solved in the
> next release).
> The libgit2 thing is weird. Here's what we do:
> isEmpty(LIBGIT2DEVEL) {
>          PKGCONFIG += libgit2
> } else {
> 	LIBS += -L$$LIBGIT2DEVEL/build -lgit2 -lz -lcrypto
> }
> So if pkgconfig is set up correctly and libgit2 is installed it should be
> found. But if that isn't working on a platform for some reason, then one
> can work around by pointing LIBGIT2DEVEL at the build directory
>> And yes, we try to avoid as much as possible static links (and here, static linking would not change anything
>> since the package is not available in unstable).
> The suggested solution to this was to simply include the library as part
> of Subsurface and link statically against it... that's where this whole
> discussion started. Apparently Debian rules do allows that specifically if
> a library still has API stability issues...
>> Linus, I heard that you are going to talk at Debconf tomorrow, just troll my fellow DDs about this ;)
>> (for personal reasons, I am not at Debconf this year)
> I'll miss that as I'm leaving town for a long weekend today... that would
> have been fun to attend :-)
> /D
> .

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