Any problem with the mail server ?

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Sun Oct 26 19:20:15 PDT 2014

Umm… why is this on the Google group that is supposed to be for our users?

On Oct 26, 2014, at 2:59 PM, Tomaz Canabrava <tcanabrava at> wrote:
> Em 26/10/2014 18:44, "Salvador Cuñat" <salvador.cunat at> escreveu:
> >
> > It's pretty strange to be 4 days without a single post in the mailing list, the last I received was in Oct, 22.
> >
> > Last commit in git is also from Oct, 22.
I know it sounds crazy, but I don’t actually work on Subsurface 24x7. It only feels that way. So yes, 
the last few days I have been really busy at my actual job and then Linus and I traveled to San Jose
where we had the pleasure to be the surprise speakers at the GSOC mentor reunion - and got to
hang out with Miika and Anton. Which mean that the two of them had been traveling this week.
All of which conspired to reduce the mail traffic over here...
> Im on hold again, again. My dad is having some serious issues and im again without time. 
> Ugh.

Ugh indeed. This has been a tough tough time for you. I’m so sorry.


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