Two more rebreather patches

Rodrigo Severo rodrigo at
Mon Oct 27 04:10:22 PDT 2014

On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Robert Helling <helling at> wrote:
> Hi,
> since we seem to be going towards planning for rebreathers as well (what
> happened to Gaetan’s attempts at coming up with a UI implementation?), here
> are two more patches:
> 1) For the time being, simply pretend in CCR phases we don’t consume any gas
> (and warn about it in the notes). I guess the consensus was that the O2
> consumption is basically only time and not depth dependent

Sure, time dependent but not depth dependent. As it's so easy, why not
calculate it?

> and the dillutent
> consumption is little and somewhat hard to calculate.

About the diluent consumption, please see

AFAICT the consensus about diluent consumption  is that it should be
calculated as if spend only during descends.

In other words, use the same method to calculate for OC, but consider
that during ascends and when maintaining depth the consumption is
zero. Distribute all consumption on descends taking in consideration


Rodrigo Severo

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