Setting location coordinates while editing a dive

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Fri Oct 31 09:47:56 PDT 2014

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 09:40:29AM -0700, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> > I've been able to make changes so the ui.coordinates field is updated but
> > placing flags on the globe is more challenging. Since the edited location
> > name and coordinates only exist in the ui.location and ui.coordinates
> > variables the globe::repopulateLabels() function can't place a flag on the
> > globe, repopulateLabels() uses the dive list for coordinates and labels.
> > Adding code so it also checks isEditing() and places a flag based on the
> > edited fields would add that functionality.
> It should use the data from displayed_dive in addition to the dive list.
> Then all you need to do is make sure things are tracked correctly in
> displayed_dive (and they should, if not, that's yet another bug).

Oh, and in case this wasn't obvious... my sentence implied the suggestion
that you should implement that. So I won't tackle this and focus on the
other three dozen bugs that I'm aware of.


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