Setting location coordinates while editing a dive

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Fri Oct 31 16:19:33 PDT 2014

On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 07:08:19PM -0400, John Van Ostrand wrote:
> Okay, you've convinced me. This is too big for me right now. I'll fiddle
> with smaller bits until I get a much better understanding of the code.

This wasn't my goal at all.

I would like you to work with me (and others) to continue down this path.
It's not an easy "over the weekend" kind of project. But that doesn't mean
that it isn't worth doing.

Let's start with one specific case and a proof of concept implementation.

E.g., let's add one step undo to edits. Don't mess with any of the
displayed_dive vs. current_dive semantics but just implement a way to
track "which dive was the last one changed" and "replace that dive with a
copy of it that we made before the last edit operation".

That should give you a good idea of all the areas of the code that this
needs to touch.

Then add the data structures that you envisioned for the undo / redo ring

Once that is in place, you and I should figure out how we can work
together to convert from our displayed_dive / current_dive semantic to the
semantic that your approach implies where the connection between what's
displayed and what is in the dive_table is much tighter.

Does that make sense?


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