[CCR PATCH] Create memory space for CCR gas pressures (part 2) style

Henrik Brautaset Aronsen subsurface at henrik.synth.no
Fri Sep 5 03:50:27 PDT 2014

On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Willem Ferguson <
willemferguson at zoology.up.ac.za> wrote:

> I have not been doing a lot of work on Emacs since it, like vi and vim, is
> not Posix compliant. Ctl-C, Ctl-X, Ctl-Z and Ctl-V have different meanings
> in Emacs compared to gedit (my default editor) or most other full-screen
> editors. Ironically some years ago I had no problems with Wordstar, another
> keyboard-intensive text processor with a similar approach as Emacs.

I just tried gedit, it looks like the default settings are OK (Tab Stops »
"Tab width" = 8 and "Insert spaces instead of tabs" is not checked).  You
might want to install the "Draw spaces" plugin as well, it will visualize
the tabs and spaces for you.   Look to the CodingStyle document [1] for
more info.

Please also tell me how the pearl script indicates whitespace?

It's perl [2], not pearl.   The script doesn't indicate whitespace.  It
takes a file as an input, tries to clean it up, and spits it out to stdout.


[1] https://github.com/torvalds/subsurface/blob/master/CodingStyle
[2] http://www.perl.org/
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