Petrel 2 bluetooth link

Andrej Prsa aprsa09 at
Fri Aug 7 01:26:51 PDT 2015

Hi guys,

> > I'd be happy to test anything further, if it helps!
> >
> > Everything can be tested.  Other recent changes that have been made
> include location management, printing (latest work not in master or
> daily builds yet), an Android port, and the dive planner - NB: the
> "VPM-B" in the planner in master is currently actually VPM (no
> Boyle's law compensation) and does not include any conservatism so do
> not use it to plan real dives.

Here's my first report: after successfully downloading the data from
Petrel 2, I wanted to merge three dives because I surfaced momentarily
with a buddy with equalizing problem before trying again. Thus, I
consider this the same dive. I figured the dives would be merged by
time, but the opposite happens: the first dive seems to get appended to
the end.

I also got a segfault a few times when trying to download data via
bluetooth, but nothing reproducible (so far), and I ran into a number
of smaller issues that I'll try to document better (but just as a
heads-up, the double-clicking on the globe doesn't work, selecting the
name of the divemaster results in an empty red block, and I can't seem
to add photos to the dive).


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