mobile ui todo

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Thu Dec 3 11:04:55 PST 2015

Hey all,

We received pretty useful feedback during the testing of the latest mobile ui 
changes. Here's a list of my notes of things which need doing:

- indication for download in process and finished (Q_PROPERTY?)
- switch to divelist once everything's downloaded
- rework dive details page (see sketch on paper)
- split edit and view dive details
- left-swiping to "scroll dives"
- clean up and reshuffle menu options
- new photo for sidebar
- cloud storage login page in just one column, clips on narrow screen 
- sidebar photo also loaded in low-res
- higher resolution for svg icons (!)
- more swipe pixels on the LHS should make it easier to swipe drawer in
- edit / paste thing doesn't work in listviews add dive, then hit back button crashes (remove for 
now, sort out adding dives later)
- fix divedetails image sizing artifacts
- title becomes "Subsurface", remove the "mobile"
- make preferences "login" or "connect"
- clean up context menu's broken features
- Reorganization of UI: showing vs. editing (showing has priority for now), 
  (edit could become the current page until that is redone as well)

The list may be incomplete, and it's not prioritized yet. Feel free to take on 
issues (let us know here, first, so we don't duplicate work or end up in a 
merge conflict).


Sebastian Kügler    |    |

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