CCR mode and our implementation of the setpoint

Robert C. Helling robert at
Sat Feb 7 22:40:21 PST 2015


> Am 08.02.2015 um 07:08 schrieb Benjamin <nystire at>:
> maybe have a drop box in the download dialog where this can be set and then store it for future dives with the given computer?

We already have such a combobox, it's not in the download dialog but on the main tab. But that is not the source of the problem: it arises from the question how to deal with old logged dives from before the combobox was there on one hand and from the fact that some parts of the same dive can be OC while others are CCR, eg when bailing out. In that case, a single selector is too coarse and one has to change the assignment during the dive. 


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