Input requested [was: [PATCH] Use proper gas names in the divelist.]

Davide DB dbdavide at
Tue Jan 6 09:44:15 PST 2015

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 6:42 PM, Henrik Brautaset Aronsen
<subsurface at> wrote:
> Since we can hide and show columns in the dive list (we couldn't do that in
> the early days), how about having several gas columns?  The first column
> could be displayed by default, and the rest could be hidden by default?
> Advantages:
> - Rec divers would see that single gas column and be happy
> - Joakim would see his bottom gas and be happy
> - Others could enable and see all (or most of) their gases in the list, and
> be happy
> - Everyone would be able to sort the list on individual gases.

I love your pragmatism :)


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