fixes speed on ADD/PLAN modes and speed of profile over time

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Sun Jan 18 20:24:38 PST 2015

On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 07:39:38PM -0200, Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> Whoa, this deserves a good explanation. Everytime that the mouse
> moved in Add mode / Plan mode, or anytime a new dive was displayed
> on the Profile, this method would be called and connect the
> dataModel to the modelChanged method. This added the slot in a
> call-vector that the fired signal would call, adding one call
> to the SLOt per ADD / PLAN mouse move ( about 20x/s ) or each
> time a new dive was displayed. Quicly filling the vector with
> more than 200 - 300 calls to this same SLOT.
> The fix is to only connect one time. this made the ADD / PLAN
> mode *so* much smooth... :)

Excellent work, Tomaz. Thanks for catching that.
Never occured to me that it would call the same function more than once
per "firing" of the signal...


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