first attempt at location taxonomy just landed in master

Jan Mulder jlmulder at
Thu Jul 2 08:11:49 PDT 2015

Very first and preliminary test result:

On 02-07-15 16:24, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> Once the dive site taxonomy has been looked up it is shown in the UI as
> "tags" (there it is again) next to the label of the Location field. I
> think the way I've done this is not too intrusive and still useful, but
> I'm happy to hear from the UI experts how this could be done better.
At first, I was confused. I had my geocoding preferences set 
none/none/none, but I could see that something was done because the 
location tag changed to location tags (//) when hitting the new icon. I 
first verified the changes in my git log, and saw the tags being added.

Obviously, this is just my user error :-) but it might be better not to 
show the location tags line in case of a preferences setting that does 
not show anything.

> What else is new: in the preferences you can now pick the actual
> categories you want to see and you need to enable geocoding for this to
> work (privacy issue - so default is no... but I'm willing to consider
> changing this to default to yes if people think that's reasonable).
> BTW: if you set this before (why? it didn't do anything) you need to do
> this again as the data structures and settings variables have changed.
Yes, and this solved my confusion :-)

> Please test and let me know what you think. I am sure I managed to hide a
> handfull of creative bugs in all this.
Clicked around all over the world, and even found the name of farmers 
range in the middle of the Mexican jungle (and yes, that range has a 
cave on site). I could not make it crash or report funny things (that 
can be attributed to Subsurface, and not the used geocoding service)

So very happy at this point.



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