first attempt at location taxonomy just landed in master

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Thu Jul 2 09:59:35 PDT 2015

On Thu, Jul 02, 2015 at 05:11:49PM +0200, Jan Mulder wrote:
> Very first and preliminary test result:
> On 02-07-15 16:24, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> >Once the dive site taxonomy has been looked up it is shown in the UI as
> >"tags" (there it is again) next to the label of the Location field. I
> >think the way I've done this is not too intrusive and still useful, but
> >I'm happy to hear from the UI experts how this could be done better.
> At first, I was confused. I had my geocoding preferences set none/none/none,
> but I could see that something was done because the location tag changed to
> location tags (//) when hitting the new icon. I first verified the changes
> in my git log, and saw the tags being added.
> Obviously, this is just my user error :-) but it might be better not to show
> the location tags line in case of a preferences setting that does not show
> anything.

Definitely. I'll fix that.

> >What else is new: in the preferences you can now pick the actual
> >categories you want to see and you need to enable geocoding for this to
> >work (privacy issue - so default is no... but I'm willing to consider
> >changing this to default to yes if people think that's reasonable).
> >BTW: if you set this before (why? it didn't do anything) you need to do
> >this again as the data structures and settings variables have changed.
> Yes, and this solved my confusion :-)

Ideally there shouldn't be confusion. That's why I keep asking people to
test things so that we catch these issues early.

> >Please test and let me know what you think. I am sure I managed to hide a
> >handfull of creative bugs in all this.
> Clicked around all over the world, and even found the name of farmers range
> in the middle of the Mexican jungle (and yes, that range has a cave on
> site). I could not make it crash or report funny things (that can be
> attributed to Subsurface, and not the used geocoding service)

Thank you so much for spending the time to try this.

> So very happy at this point.

Me, too.
Can't wait to hear comments from Davide and Henrik :-)


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