Jan Darowski jan.darowski at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 12:29:19 PDT 2015

I think I will check all the units once again. But it's true that it's
another mistake on the deepocean.net
The real values are 0.257 N/m and 0.0179 N/m (paper by Baker confirms)
but these constants are always (that's what I will check again) in the
context like: pressure + skin_compression / radius.
Pressure is given in bars, skin_compression in N/m and radius in
microns. Chaos. We can change pressure to 10^5 N/m^2 and we get  10^5
N/m^2 + (N/m) / 10^-6m.
That's the reason why these parameters are *10: so we could have
calculations using bars and microns.

Jan Darowski

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