More Location Fixes.

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Tue Jul 14 07:16:05 PDT 2015

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 11:40:06PM +1000, Rick Walsh wrote:
> >
> >
> > 1. empty location field
> >
> > 1.2. GPS data (e.g. from Subsurface web service - dive site with no name)
> > 1.2.1. user types in name, picks one of the completions
> >
> > Use cases #3 is more complicated. I'll pass the baton to other users :)
> but in the meantime... first question:
> > Has the completion chosen GPS data? Eventually can we assume it's the
> same?
> >
> > Hence this branch is meaningless without splitting it in more 3 more
> branches:
> If the dive already has gps data, I can't see the value of autocompleting
> the name based on other names,  unless the options are limited to sites at
> about the same location, or sites that don't yet have coordinates. If the
> user types anything else, it should be a new site.  It really doesn't
> matter that's there's another site called House Reef or Blue Hole; it's
> still a different site.

Well, I don't know.
Scenario. I keep doing boat dives to the same sites (we'll be in Palau the
fourth time this fall and I bet we'll go back to the Blue Corner and many
other sites we've been to frequently). I use the phone app to track GPS
points, anyway, and download them.
Now I have a site with no name and a GPS location (well, I won't because I
always do names first before downloading GPS, but Linus and some others do
it the other way around).
So now Subsurface showme that this was really close to the Blue Corner and
I say "right, I remember, we dove the Blue Corner today".

Now if I want a new location because it's a different boat anchor point, I
completely type in Blue Corner and save that. New site, same name, close
by the others.

Or I just want to pick the existing one (or one of the existing ones, I
have three distinct anchor points for Blue Corner because they are
different dives, depending where you start). And I get the GPS coordinates
from that dive site that I picked.

The interesting question is "assuming I have GPS data, assuming I remember
the site was also called Blue Corner, assuming that site is in Hawaii,
should the Blue Corner from Palau even be offered as completion"?

I'm leaning towards "no" (not knowing how easy or hard that would be for
Tomaz to do). At the very least it should be marked differently in the
completion list if possible... maybe the completion list could add
distances if both the current dive site and the completion dive site have
GPS locations.

And here I go again, coming up with fun ideas to distract Tomaz from doing
what he's working on :-(

> >
> > 1. empty location field
> >
> > 1.2. GPS data (e.g. from Subsurface web service - dive site with no name)
> > 1.2.1. user types in name, picks one of the completions
> > completion has GPS data
> > completion GPS data fall within a certain range into the
> incoming GPS data
> >
> > The dive will reference the dive site already there.
> Of course. The question is do we want to use the old or new gps coordinates
> for the site?

Existing. See above. You pick a site, you use those coordinates.

> >
> > 1. empty location field
> >
> > 1.2. GPS data (e.g. from Subsurface web service - dive site with no name)
> > 1.2.1. user types in name, picks one of the completions
> > completion has GPS data
> > completion GPS is different from the incoming GPS data
> >
> > Hummmm
> I don't think the auto-prompt should include sites with existing gps data
> further than x m from the new gps coordinates.

See above - we should give the distance and let the user decide.

> > 1. empty location field
> >
> > 1.2. GPS data (e.g. from Subsurface web service - dive site with no name)
> > 1.2.2. user types in name, doesn't pick one of the completions
> >
> > The dive will use a new dive site with text typed in by the user.
> > One question arise here: even if the user choose a brand new name, should
> we check if GPS data are already there under a different dive site?
> > (eventually giving him an alert... are you sure that you want to create a
> new dive site for something you already have?)
> As I said above, I think the 'alert' should be that existing nearby sites
> show in the prompt, before a name is selected.

After talking to Tomaz in a hangout I have learned that that is very hard
to do on the completer (as that is just text based). But of course if the
user has Marble enabled then they can see the dive sites nearby on the


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