More Location Fixes.

Davide DB dbdavide at
Tue Jul 14 07:23:26 PDT 2015

On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 4:16 PM, Dirk Hohndel <dirk at> wrote:
> Scenario. I keep doing boat dives to the same sites (we'll be in Palau the
> fourth time this fall and I bet we'll go back to the Blue Corner and many
> other sites we've been to frequently). I use the phone app to track GPS
> points, anyway, and download them.
> Now I have a site with no name and a GPS location (well, I won't because I
> always do names first before downloading GPS, but Linus and some others do
> it the other way around).
> So now Subsurface showme that this was really close to the Blue Corner and
> I say "right, I remember, we dove the Blue Corner today".
> Now if I want a new location because it's a different boat anchor point, I
> completely type in Blue Corner and save that. New site, same name, close
> by the others.
> Or I just want to pick the existing one (or one of the existing ones, I
> have three distinct anchor points for Blue Corner because they are
> different dives, depending where you start). And I get the GPS coordinates
> from that dive site that I picked.
> The interesting question is "assuming I have GPS data, assuming I remember
> the site was also called Blue Corner, assuming that site is in Hawaii,
> should the Blue Corner from Palau even be offered as completion"?
> I'm leaning towards "no" (not knowing how easy or hard that would be for
> Tomaz to do). At the very least it should be marked differently in the
> completion list if possible... maybe the completion list could add
> distances if both the current dive site and the completion dive site have
> GPS locations.
> And here I go again, coming up with fun ideas to distract Tomaz from doing
> what he's working on :-(

I agree
> After talking to Tomaz in a hangout I have learned that that is very hard
> to do on the completer (as that is just text based). But of course if the
> user has Marble enabled then they can see the dive sites nearby on the
> globe.

Of course. It's impossible making a user comfortable with the above
choices only via a text autocompletion.
Using Marble for UI interaction open other completely different
scenario/interactions I guess...
We should use Marble as visual aid while adding new dives.

When I add dives, I'm of the "gps-before-name" party


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