Cloud storage and web view

Jan Mulder jlmulder at
Mon Jun 22 02:14:55 PDT 2015

On 21-06-15 22:02, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> Another morning of hacking, and another set of patches are pushed...
> This time around I added the ability to store pictures in a git
> repository. Instead of just storing a reference to a local file we now
> actually store the pictures themselves in the git repository. We try to be
> clever about this, so if loading from git, if we can find the pictures
> (using the picture hash featuer in case they were moved) we don't bother
> writing the pictures from the repository out into local files.
> But if we can't find them we do just that.
> With this I can save my repo to cloud storage and then see my pictures on
> the web view. In order for that to work you need to open your data file
> with the latest Subsurface and then save to the cloud again - your local
> Subsurface needs to be new enough to push the actual pictures out to the
> server...

I did some testing. My log did not contain any pictures, so I added one 
picture to one dive. Working locally, I saved, and after that forced a 
save to cloud. Opened the cloud storage, and the picture does show 
correctly (on the desktop machine that has the picture on disk).

Went to the cloud website, see that the modified dive is correctly 
stored. However, I do not see any reference to the stored picture. 
Checked the HTML source, and see that there is a <div id="divephotos">. 
This does not show any pictures (eg. the one picture I added to one dive).

Checked on a second machine. Open cloud in ssrf. I do not see the 
picture. I do see the reference to the picture (including the path it is 
stored (on hover on the " photos" tab) on the (first) desktop machine. I 
also see a "dot"  where the small thumbnail in the profile is shown. 
Verified that ssrf is looking at the location of the picture on the 
originating machine. Verified the local cache and see the file (for the 
specific dive), in the Pictures subdir. It contains a reference to the 
picture on the originating machine (so no actual image). Off course, I 
might be confused how it is supposed to work, but I expected an image in 
the local cache.

Off course, above test with latest master :-)


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