Divecomputer nickname handling..

Tomaz Canabrava tcanabrava at kde.org
Thu Sep 17 18:10:38 PDT 2015

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 9:42 PM, Andrej Prsa <aprsa09 at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Not because of disrespect of devels efforts, no.
> Good. :)
> > Python is not suited for a desktop application: it's too slow, uses
> > too much resources, the legibility of the code is worse than c++,  it
> > has no good library for reading dive computers, it's hard to package
> > it on osx Windows and Linux regarding libraries, bindings to another
> > languages are a pain to be made. You don't see c or c++ apps going to
> > python, but the opposite : once the python app stops scalling, it
> > must go to either c or c++.
> I would respectfully disagree on several of these points:

And that`s how good conversations starts :)

> the GUI is
> not appreciably slower than in C (granted, I only compared gtk and
> pygtk, and have no experience with qt), and any speed loss is
> certainly offset by convenience;

That`s true if you are comparing only the UI speed - but when you asked why
it was not in python I understood "the whole code", for only the interface
my point about speed is moot.

> the legibility ultimately depends on
> the programmer (and the programmer's affinity to document code) in both
> languages;

not really - and I say that having worked in a insanely large app both in
C++ and in Python, two different apps for two different companies that did
the same thing: earth simulations to find oil, both softwares had a LOC
count of around 5 Million lines. in Python I didn't know what types I
should send to a random class method, in C or C++ you dont need to document
that, in python people tend to forget to document that.

and C APIs can be wrapped more-or-less easily. Packaging
> might indeed be an issue for windows and osx, I don't know enough to
> comment because I am ignorantly exclusive to linux. I would never
> suggest C or C++ number crunching code to be ported to python, but I
> would advocate for porting the (G)UI into python.

there is a Qt for python bundle already made, it's PyQt, but there's a few
libraries that we use that do not have that part done so this would be yet
another hassle: port external libraries to python. also, the Subsurface
project already uses a few languages: json, xstl, c, c++ - C++ was choosed
for the interface because I'm the interface developer and I'm proeficient
with it ( it was C with GTK before it was ported to C++, and you just read
how much linus hates c++, why on earth he allowed me to port away from
C/GTK to C++/Qt you can watch a few videos on why this was made.

> Mixing C and python
> (not sure about C++, never tried it) is really not that much of a pain
> once you get used to it.

Since both languages ( c and c++ ) are fairly similar, the learning curve
is small.

> I am an astrophysicist by day and I can tell
> you that most of our field is rapidly migrating all of the UI stuff to
> python. Our own code (phoebe) runs C for number-crunching under the
> hood, but all UI is done in python, and we never regretted the move.
> Your mileage may vary, of course, I just figured I'd ask because, if
> subsurface UI was in python, I'd be much better positioned to
> contribute to the code -- for whatever that's worth.

If I may say a thing or two: GTK is a terrible UI library - currently tons
of applications are shifting away from it, I can say about: whireshark,
gcompris, lxde, subsurface, even Ubuntu And that's maybe why Python code in
GTK is better than C code in GTK - it unsuck it a bit.

If you know how to handle python, then C++ won't be that much of a pain, if
you really wanna try to help on subsurface you can :)

I surely can stop what I'm doing to help you get your first bits of Qt. And
maybe you would like to try to port your app from PyGTK to PyQT.


Tomaz Canabrava

> Cheers,
> Andrej
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