[PATCH] Copy coordinates when renaming site

Linus Torvalds torvalds at linux-foundation.org
Thu Apr 14 21:17:20 PDT 2016

On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 9:04 PM, Dirk Hohndel <dirk at hohndel.org> wrote:
> And how would that UI look, btw? What would be a reasonable way
> to deal with GPS coordinates on a mobile device?

I actually think it would even be acceptable to just show the gps
coordinates int the standard text format.

And just leave them alone, and let people clear them if they are wrong
(or press the "use current" button to reset them to the current
location). Maybe somebody even might edit them (I've doen that on
desktop, I could imagine doing that on a tablet if I had a keyboard -
think ipad pro kind of use).

Now, it's obviously nice to have some map interface to edit them, but
that's more "fancy" than I actually think is even necessary. Just
*showing* it would give a visual indication that they are there - and
that they aren't changed if you edit some other field.


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