Newby questions about QML models

Tomaz Canabrava tcanabrava at
Thu Feb 4 15:26:33 PST 2016

You can connect via qml

There a Connections {} qml entity that works for that.
Em 4 de fev de 2016 13:48, "Willem Ferguson" <
willemferguson at> escreveu:

> On 01/02/2016 20:46, Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
>> I can have a class DiveComputers that is a model based on
>> QAbstractListModel, since any dive can have zero or more dive computers, I
>> can have the method DiveComputers *diveComputers() on the class Dive as a
>> Q_PROPERTY, and I can access it in QML via:
>> ListView {
>>     id: diveList
>>     model : diveListModel
>>     delegate {
>>         ListView {
>>             id: diveComputerList
>>             model: dive.diveComputers
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> Tomaz,
> Your email above is extremely informative. I deal with two-way
> communication between the QML and C++. The above allows the QML to see a
> model on the C++ side. This takes care of getting data drom the C++ to the
> QML. I also use a signal emitted by the QML to update the model within C++,
> something as follows:
> Class DownloadManager
>     Q_PROPERTY(QStringListModel *vendorModel READ getVendorModel WRITE
> setVendorModel NOTIFY vendorChanged)
>    .......
> signals:
>     void vendorChanged();    // notification from C++ to QML
> public slots:
>     void newVendorSlot(const QString &vendortext);// meant for incoming
> signal from QML. I need to connect this to the QML.
> The middle two lines above allow communication of the vendorModel to the
> QML. The bottom line above allows the C++ to receive the signal from the
> QML. Normally, using QtQuickView I would have connected the QML signal to
> the C++ slot as follows:
>     QObject *dcSelectPanel = view.rootObject();
> QObject::connect(dcSelectPanel,SIGNAL(vendorChangedSignal(QString)),
> &DownloadManager,SLOT(newVendorSlot(QString)));
> But within the present context it looks like view.rootObject() is not
> easily accessible and I need an alternative way of connecting the QML
> signal to the C++ slot. Any suggestions? I have spent considerable time
> scanning for a discussion on this issue and cannot find any text. In
> QmlManager, many slots are created but I see no connect construct. I hope I
> am making sense?
> Kind regards,
> willem
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