QML learning curve

Willem Ferguson willemferguson at zoology.up.ac.za
Sun Jan 3 08:21:49 PST 2016

I am starting to gear up to make a contribution to part of the QML UI of 
Subsurface-mobile. This is my first exposure to Qt and QML, and the 
learning curve is pretty steep, augmented by the fact that I cannot find 
a comprehensive reference manual. For instance when trying to find out 
what the textRole of a QML element should contain there is only cursory 
mentions of this in the documentation that I looked at and nothing that 
is worth using.

Attached are three files on which I would really appreciate comment, two 
QML and one C++. Please look at the C++ file first, then look at 
view.qml. Basically I take a StringList and pass it from C++ to QML. 
Then I display the stringlist as elements of a list view and also in a 
ComboBox in QML. Lastly I attempt to send a signal from QML directed at 
a slot in the C++ code and, within C++, print out the message associated 
with the signal from QML. I made extensive comments and discussion in 
the code. If anyone is prepared to comment or give advice I would 
appreciate it immensely.
Kind regards,

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import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0

Rectangle {
    width: 300; height: 300

    Item { width: 5; height: 5 }

    ListView {
        width: 100; height: 100         // This executes correctly, shows QStringList.
        model: vendorModel              // I conclude that the QML can correctly see
        delegate: Rectangle {           // the C++ QStringList and that this part is
            height: 20                  // done correctly in C++.
            width: 100
            Text { text: modelData }
    }       // ListView

    Text { x: 5; y: 100; text: "Vendor" }

    ComboBox {
            x: 5;  y: 120               // This does NOT show the same QStringList above
            id: vendorBox               // It sees four items that are empty.
            model: vendorModel          // I suspect the textRole is specified incorrectly.
            textRole: "modelData"       // I cannot find any documentation on what exactly QtQuick
//          textRole: "display"         // roles are and how they should be specified. :-( If I have a
    }                                   // QStringList with named fields, and I use the name of a named field,
                                        // then the data are shown correctly. (See tst.qml, attached)).
    Button {
        id: signalButton
        signal buttonSignal(string msg1)
        x:20; y: 200; width: 100; height: 20; text: "Send signal"
        onClicked: {
            buttonSignal("Button-signal")   // By hitting this button, a signal should be sent to C++
                                            // that, in turn, prints the message on the console/terminal.
        }                                   // Eventually I want to use this with the OnIndexChanged
    }                                       // property of the Combobox, above.
                                            // I have no evidence that the present code is correct.

}   // Rectangle
-------------- next part --------------
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4

Rectangle {
    width: 200; height: 100; color: "#cccccc"

    ListModel {
        id: dc_NameModel
        ListElement { dcname: "Suunto";  d_use: "tec" }
        ListElement { dcname: "Mares" ;  d_use: "tec" }
        ListElement { dcname: "Scubapro";  d_use: "OW" }
        ListElement { dcname: "Cressi";  d_use: "OW"  }
        ListElement { dcname: "Shearwater"; d_use: "OW"  }

    CheckBox {
        x: 1; y: 45
        id: chkPlatformAutoRepeat
        text: ""
    Text {
        id: dcText
        x: 20
        y: 10
        text: "Divecomputer type"

    ComboBox {                          // This correctly displays the dc names in the listmodel defined above.
        id: dcMakeBox                   // Note the textRole value. No other textRole value works.
        x: 20; y: 30; width: 150
        model: dc_NameModel
        textRole: "dcname"
        onCurrentIndexChanged: console.debug((dcMakeBox.currentIndex+1)+" "+dcMakeBox.currentText)

    Button {
        x:20; y: 70; width: 80; height: 20; text: "Quit"; opacity: 0.25
        onClicked: {

// /home/willem/Qt/5.5/gcc_64/bin/qmlscene tst.qml

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