Android app -755

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Thu Jan 28 23:00:12 PST 2016

More poking in the dark by a blind hacker. But it seems I'm slowly getting
the hang of a few things. Tomaz / Sebastian - I'd appreciate if you could
look over my last dozen commits. I've done some more advanced Qt hacking
(at least more advanced than my usual dabbling) in commit af9f07626a01 and
used that in the following commits to be able to actually poke at the data
in the model (which made things so much simpler for me). This still isn't
perfect, I can still get to a point where I'm not highlighting the correct
dive, but it seems much more reliable.

I also dealt with more weird layout issues and appear to have figured out
a clean way to know how wide a column is supposed to be. Sebastian, I'd
appreciate if you could take a look at that in commit ba4bb5670192. This
does recreate code that's in PageRow.qml, but I didn't manage to reliably
extract the columnWidth variable from there whereas this way seems to be
easy and accessible from anywhere in the code.

Anyway, I'd appreciate a fresh round of testing. This should close a
number of outstanding bugs.

And I'm sure I have successfully added a few new ones in return :-)


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