correctly using the preferences wrapper objects

Tomaz Canabrava tcanabrava at
Sat Jul 30 17:14:10 PDT 2016

Em 30 de jul de 2016 16:59, "Dirk Hohndel" <dirk at> escreveu:
> Tomaz,
> Would you create a short writeup how the wrapper objects should be used?
> I'll admit that I feel less then clear about this right now.
> For each of the seperate types, should there be only one instance of these
> objects in the running application? Or can any class create their own
> wrapper object and things will still work correctly (somehow I doubt that,
> looking at the way this seems to work with the change notifications).
> But if it's a single instance only, then why aren't there instance()
> functions for them?
> I guess I'm confused :-(
> My example:
> cloudstorage.cpp creates a CloudStorageSettings object and uses that to
> make sure that the verification status is maintained correctly. But
> another part of the CloudStorageSettings is prefs.git_local_only /
> CloudStorageSettings::gitLocalOnly() - and that needs to be accessed from
> multiple locations.
> So if I want to connect a function with the gitLocalOnlyChanged() signal
> (which, oh, btw, currently isn't sent when that preference is changed),
> then how do I do this? Clearly creating a separate object isn't going to
> do the right thing... so I think this needs to indeed be a glabal
> instance.

I had to re-read the code since there's a long time since I don't do
anything proper for subsurface, so here it goes.

There's one SettingsObjectWrapper, that is a singleton, and you use it to
access everything.

If you wan't to access *some* specific property, and deal with the property
changes you would do:

SettingsObjectWrapper *prefs = SettingsObjectWrapper::instance();

// connect the desired preference to some method, the preferences are
grouped by structs, so it's easy to find the one you need.

connect(prefs->cloud_storage, &Signal, this, &MyMethod);

set the desired preference:

prefs->cloud_storage->setSomething( blah );

this will trigger the changed signal on the CloudStorageSettings object
that in turn will call the slots.

I'm working on that particular code right now, so I'll change all other
parts of the code that deal with preferences and make it sane again.


> Help?
> /D
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