Dive deletion and Synchronisation between Subsurface-mobile and cloud

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Thu Jun 16 06:56:58 PDT 2016

> On Jun 16, 2016, at 2:14 AM, Willem Ferguson <willemferguson at zoology.up.ac.za> wrote:
> 1) Subsurface-mobile has only one option of updating the local dive log: sync with cloud (either automatically or manually). I assume this synchronisation involves updating either the local dive log or the cloud-based copy with the latest changes that have been made either on the cloud or on the local dive list. This situation may be problematic. For instance I unintentionally deleted two dives on the local dive list. A sync deleted those two dives on the cloud-based dive log as well, certainly not that was intended. I would therefore prefer an additional option to download the cloud-based dive log, allowing recovery from unintended local edits. The desktop interface to the cloud with separate download and upload options is more functional.

You can do that (but it's a bit unintuitive). Uninstall Subsurface-mobile. Reinstall. Voila.
Yes, we could add a menu entry for that, but this is one of those "how often do you need this feature" questions. Because every menu entry we add needs to be tested, documented, maintained. And it makes the UI more complex and harder to understand.

> 2) For deleting dives from Subsurface-mobile, I would like to have the Undo option visible for at least three times the duration that it is now. I deleted two dives really by accident and the Undo option flashed past before I could react, partly because it popped up at a very unexpected moment because I did not realise I was deleting a dive.

We can lengthen the time - I must admit that for me it already feels like it's too long, but that may be personal preference. I'm curious, how did you delete a dive and not realize that you were deleting it? I know of two ways to delete a dive. Tap the trashcan button when you are looking at a dive, or long pressing a dive in the dive list and then tapping the red trash can. Neither of those sound like "did not realize I was deleting a dive"...


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