OSX Build problems

Jeroen Massar jeroen at massar.ch
Tue Mar 15 10:53:20 PDT 2016

On 2016-03-15 18:40, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 05:30:10PM +0000, Pablo Wolter wrote:
>> So this:
>> $ git shortlog -s -n | egrep -i "jeroen|massar"
>> $ git shortlog -s -n | grep -i "hohndel"
>>   3799  Dirk Hohndel
>>  invalidates feedback?
>> What that number needs to be to be able to get into the "club".
>> Don't bother answering .... I think I'm out.
> It has nothing to do with being "in the club". It has something to do with
> the balance between "asking for help" and "complaining and talking down to
> the developers".

I sincerely hope that I did not do any of the "talking down" part.

> I apologize for over-simplifying this as a number of git commits. We have
> many active contributors to Subsurface who have zero git commits. My guess
> is that if I wasn't so frustrated with the current progress I wouldn't
> have written such a harsh email.

Fortunately I have an extremely thick skin ;)
And fortunately I also read it clearly as a miscommunication.

Oh and http://www.mit.edu/~jcb/tact.html applies of course.

> But fact is... people are asking for a 4.5.4 release. Yet the total number
> of people who have tried the daily build that I did weeks ago (and yes, I
> forgot to do a Mac build) is... wait for it... FOUR.

I picked up my Suunto EON Steel a full 10 days ago (selected based on
among others the ramblings of you and Linus) hence apologies for not
playing with this earlier... and as you know this time thing is limited,
hence did not have much time to play with it yet unfortunately.

I'll be making this work though! I will just have a bit of a learning
curve with cmake/configure and other things that are not totally my
thing. But, as the project uses it, I'll overcome that.

> Here's the thing. I don't need Subsurface for Android or iOS. I don't even
> need it for Mac and most definitely not for Windows. Subsurface has done
> everything that I need from it for years.

I'll raise my hand for being a OSX tester then. Though unfortunately I
only have the one DC at the moment, maybe that will expand over the
years, but I am only a nice weather diver and only barely starting out.

> So why am I doing this? Why am I letting people talk down to me, complain,
> accuse me of not being nice enough. For what? Why am I running all of the
> infrastructure, provide free cloud storage, fix bugs, answer support
> questions, etc.

I know the feeling quite well, running a little service of my own
(google should tell one quickly enough which) where one rarely gets a
thank you but typically do get rather very nasty things thrown at one's

Apologies if I came across in any way or sort in a negative manner.
(and do please point out, off list, where I did so that that can be
avoided in the future)

> The amazing revenue opportunity isn't it. I currently run at about $2k /
> year in cost that I absorb because I am... I don't know.... stupid I guess.
> So if you feel that one frustrated email from me is enough for you to "be
> out" - be my guest. Maybe it's time for me to be out as well and someone
> else to take over.

I am not out at all, call me in. Clearly you need and more importantly
want the extra help, thus I will do so.

Got many projects on my list, but subsurface is definitely a tool that
is useful for me and also a good investment of time as it will make me
get out of my watch what I want.


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