Downloading FTDI dive log using desktop Subsurface on Android

Willem Ferguson willemferguson at
Thu Feb 9 07:31:55 PST 2017

I got a OTG cable today, and *in principle* I downloaded the dives from 
the Tusa Zen dive computer to deskstop-Subsurface running on Android. 
The OTG cable is a simple single-cable with a micro-USB plug and a 
female full-sized USB plug.


I managed to plug the FTDI cable of the DC straight into the OTG cable. 
Android immediately recognised the FTDI device and asked to open 
Subsurface. I also used a normal (non-OTG) USB hub. Connected the hub to 
the OTG cable and the DC FTDI cable to the hub. It worked exactly as in 
the previous case.


Upon hitting the Download button on the Download panel, all the dives on 
the DC downloaded to Subsurface, showing in the download table and with 
the checkboxes for all dives activated. However, due to screen 
restrictions on the cell phone, I could not scroll to the Ok button to 
accept all the dives into the dive log. I had a Bluetooth mouse paired 
with the phone to navigate the small screen but this did not allow me to 
scroll the screen. >However, this appears pretty positive.

I am occupied with family affairs this weekend so will not have time to 
do more. However I will take the phone, Android software, cable and DC 
along to experiment.

Kind regards,


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