QtLocation map updates

Lubomir I. Ivanov neolit123 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 15:59:29 PDT 2017

On 28 July 2017 at 01:47, Linus Torvalds <torvalds at linux-foundation.org> wrote:
> I tried it out.
> Looks fine to me. I did notice one issue: when you zoom in far enough, the satellite data goes away, and it says "map data not available".
> I suspect it might depend on location - some places will have higher-res satellite imaging than others. But who knows.
> Is there some way to detect this and stop zooming (or better yet, allow zooming with jaggies)?

that's a bit of a Qt Location / ESRI plugin issue and i don't have a
good solution unless we browse the entire globe manually and clamp the
maximum zoom to a value which does not show the "not avail. data",
ever. :-(

it seems to commonly happen near the 2 higher zoom levels (18,19):
- minimum is 1.7 (whole globe visible)
- maximum is 19

so maybe a maximum zoom clamp of 17 is a good idea, but this way the
18,19 levels will be lost for locations that actually have them.

> Talking about zooming - is there a setting to just move quickly from one dive site to another without the zoom-out-zoom-in?

it's a custom function, which i've changed today again actually, so
maybe you need to review that again.
the latest version finds the optimal zoom value so that both the last
and new coordinates are visible in the viewport and then it zooms out
to that zoom level (zooms out less) and doesn't need to zoom out back
to the whole map.

not zooming out at all makes the map move too fast from one coordinate
to another and it's kind of hard to tell where it goes - i.e. even if
continents are skipped.

> But on the whole this looks really good.

thanks, good to hear.


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