Cylinder vs. tank -

Bill Perry bperrybap at
Tue Nov 28 12:18:08 PST 2017

It appears that Wikipedia pushes the term "Diving Cylinder"
And in their terminology section, they say:

"The term "diving cylinder" tends to be used by gas equipment engineers, manufacturers, support professionals, and divers speaking British English. "Scuba tank" or "diving tank" is more often used colloquially by non-professionals and native speakers of
American English"

So from Wikipedia's perspective it appears to be somewhat a American English vs British English thing...
Although it appears that many of the Dive computer manufacturers have leaned towards "tank".

Could it be handled as a "language" thing like other translation items?
using the locale information?
Even if it could be done that way is it a good idea or worth it?

It is kind of funny (actually in a sad way) that different dive computers from the same manufacturer are not consistent with respect to their terminology,
and a couple device manuals intermix the terms in the same manual.

---- bill

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