Oddness with (cloud) log

Paul-Erik Törrönen poltsi at poltsi.fi
Thu Oct 26 12:36:54 PDT 2017

More oddness.

What I did was that I took a freshly installed F26, moved an old 
.subsurface dir (which had dives up to November 2016 in its local git 
repo) to my home directory, rebuilt the latest from Git and fired it up. 
Subsurface synced with cloud and displayed the dives a ok to the latest 

The odd part though is that on the laptop that failed, I removed the 
whole ~/.subsurface-directory and it still failed to display after the 
cloud-sync. And in addition, I used precisely the same command to fetch 
and build Subsurface. Could be that something else is broken on that 

And this does not explain why cloud.subsurface-divelog.org only shows 
dives up to #703.


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