Qt models uniquely for mobile or desktop

Jan Mulder jlmulder at xs4all.nl
Sun Jan 21 04:30:38 PST 2018

On 21-01-18 12:50, Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> This is something that I didn't wanted to do since the beginning.
> our models *should* be both desktop and mobile compatible (with the 
> exception of the dive list because of the way QT handles Tree Views)

I agree with that (models *should* be both desktop and mobile 
compatible). However, when checking the current code base, we see that 
we only have 2 models that are used both in mobile and desktop, and the 
rest is used exclusively only on mobile (3 models) or only in desktop 
(18! models). And as there is no reason to link in any unused code, just 
do not link those 18 desktop only models to the mobile app.

> if there's a mobile specific model, we should try to look if it's not a 
> mistake and if a corresponding model already exists doing the exact same 
> thing, and only have one model for each thing.

Also true, but we could ask the same question for "why desktop specific 
model". In numerous cases it is valid to have desktop only models, as 
there is much more functionality in the desktop than in the mobile app.


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