New Android beta - maps

Willem Ferguson willemferguson at
Wed Mar 14 01:21:23 PDT 2018

On 13/03/2018 15:03, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
>>>>     c) Copy location to clipboard (decimal) then coordinates for a
>>>> *different* irrelevant location is copied to clipboard.
>>>>     d) Copy location to clipboard (sexagesimal) then a *another 
>>>> different*
>>>> random location is copied to the clipboard.
>>> c), d) same as above. cannot confirm.
>> Can you give an example of the location you are at, and the string 
>> that is
>> copied to the clipboard? That might help us figure out what's wrong.
>> /D
> I did several tests.
> Ironically my first test provided absolute accurate information with 
> no error, but subsequent tests produced errors.
> Here are some of the results. See:
> These data report on 4 tests:
> The reference dive site is shown on Map perspective.png, using the map 
> facility in Subsurface-mobile. The location is correct.
> These tests were done by shutting down Subsurface-mobile and 
> restarting it between tests.
> Test 1 and Test 1a.
> These were tests with the map focused close to (zoomed in on) the dive 
> site when using the map menu. The location in Google maps is out. The 
> Pin is the one dropped by Subsurface-mobile, the small red icon is the 
> dive site. The error is maybe around 10 km.
> Test 2
> Zoomed out further in the Subsurface-mobile map before using the map 
> menu. Error is larger than before maybe around 150km to the north-west.
> Test 3
> Zoomed out even further before using map menu, covering large part of 
> continent. Error is even larger than in Test 2, several hundreds of km 
> out to the north.
> The direction of the error appears to be random but maybe the 
> magnitude of the error is associated with the zooming factor.
> The information copied to clipboard (decimal, hexagesimal) appear to 
> be consistent with the location shown in Google-maps (see Location 
> info.png).
> Kind regards,
> willem

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