Mares Smart Dive Computer + Bluelink pro

Linus Torvalds torvalds at
Tue Sep 25 22:56:03 PDT 2018

On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 10:40 PM Berthold Stoeger
<bstoeger at> wrote:
> I haven't looked at the BLE code in ages. But I have to wonder if by removing
> the
>         connect(service, &QLowEnergyService::stateChanged, this,
> &BLEObject::serviceStateChanged);
> call you haven't actually made debugging *harder*. Note that
> serviceStateChanged() is a debugging function that tells us when a service has
> been discovered. I don't see the point in connecting this function *after* the
> service was discovered (then the state already has changed).

That serviceStateChanged function was never actually all that useful.
It used to write out the names of the characteristics we had found by
then, but that really only confused the debug output.

Some day it migth be useful - it can be a good indicator of "oops, the
service has disconnected" and might allow us to error out more
quickly, but right now it's not really all that useful.


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