quick update

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Thu Apr 23 11:57:51 PDT 2020

Hi Everyone.

No, I haven't forgotten about the 4.9.4 release.
I simply (as usual) have gotten sucked into the never ending nightmare
that is our platform support matrix and related CI.

A few days of getting OBS and LaunchPad builds back to working (and a
great thanks to everyone who tested those!).

Now on day three of trying to get our Android CI infrastructure back to
working order (yeah, this isn't really related to a 4.9.4 release, but
having every build, every PR on GitHub show up as failed is really
distracting and frustrating).

In this process I have learned that Qt 5.14 completely breaks Android
builds. There are many excited posts by the maintainers about the new
features, and tons and tons of threads by developers pointing out all
the ways in which those "features" break existing apps and how the
developers clearly didn't take into account how people actually use Qt
on Android.

At this point, some people have gotten qmake based apps to work again
on Android (requiring a massive amount of porting work - for a random
minor version update). But apparently no one has gotten a cmake app to
work. I have abandoned this after two wasted days and am trying to get
a working Qt 5.13.2 based Android build that still works with our
GitHub CI. Once I have that I will go back to focusing on 4.9.4.

I'm thinking we should be able to freeze things next week and release
soon after that.


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