Import dives from Cressi Cartesio

Linus Torvalds torvalds at
Tue Feb 18 13:57:19 PST 2020

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 1:43 PM Linus Torvalds
<torvalds at> wrote:
> There's two possibilities:
>  (a) the Cressi protocol isn't the same on BLE as it is on a regular serial line
>  (b) the Nordic UART service needs more setup for the other end (tell
> it baud-rate etc)

Ugh. A quick look at some Nordic docs seems to imply that _both_ of
these will be true.

Not only does Nordic have a APP_UART_FIFO_INIT() thing in their UART
SDK, there's also magic for reading buttons and setting LED lights
etc. So it looks like there is a lot more than just "transfer data".

It also looks like the buffering done by the UART->BLE end is line-based:

  "Received characters are buffered into a string until a new line
character is received or the size of the string exceeds the limit

which means that I wouldn't be surprised if Cressi might have added
newlines to the protocol just to get that UART->BLE side to flush in a
timely manner.

So ouch. This looks more complex than most BLE things have been.


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