Segfault in OstcFirmwareCheck::checkLatest

Jef Driesen jef at
Sun Jan 12 12:00:36 PST 2020

On 12/01/2020 20:34, Jan Mulder wrote:
> When downloading from an OSTC4, I get the same error. A little
> investigation shows that in OstcFirmwareCheck::parseOstcFwVersion() a
> very unexpected string is parsed:
> "<html>
> <head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>
> <body>
> <center><h1>301 Moved Permanently"
> where we expect a string like "[1.5.1]", being the first line in the
> file.
> So, the problem is not data returned from the DC, but from the webserver
> (and totally unprotected parsing at Subsurface end). But, interestingly,
> visiting the mentioned changelog file from a browser (or curl), all
> looks just fine.

Looks like redirects to, and 
subsurface doesn't follow the redirect automatically. This probably needs to be 
configured explicitly in the code somewhere.


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