quick update on test binaries

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Thu May 7 08:05:13 PDT 2020

On Thu, 2020-05-07 at 10:48 +0300, Chirana Gheorghita Eugeniu Theodor
> looks ok and on android in the about page now shows correct
> info.

Thanks again for the testing that you do.
And you did in fact point me at a ridiculously stupid bug in my CI
setup - where after a successful run, an old binary was renamed and
pushed to the server :-(

This should now be all fixed and I have tested all the binaries as well
to make sure I didn't have that same kind of bug elsewhere.

As you are testing things on the desktop, one area to point to is the
newly merged undo code for pictures and media. So adding pictures or
movies, deleting them, using pictures with GPS data embedded (which
will then add GPS info to dive sites if needed), and again undoing and
redoing that...

Definitely many many use cases and potential flows that could really
benefit from a serious workout.

And this request is of course not just for Theodor, they are for



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