testprofile on i686

Alan Brown adbrown at rocketmail.com
Mon Dec 6 00:45:36 PST 2021

Robert Helling <helling at atdotde.de> writes:

>  I suspect just short-circuiting it for zero helium hides the problem
>  rather than fixing it.
>           Linus
> what does the test program on https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cfenv/fegetround/ produce on your machine? I am a but afraid to explicitly set
> the rounding mode just to be sure as that (according to my understanding of the docs I found) might cause the compiler to think we are doing strange stuff.

Robert, Linus,

Happy to do the tests, but might be a couple of days. I am travelling
all day today and it is unlikely I will be able to look at this evening.



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