
Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Mon Aug 26 09:32:19 UTC 2013

On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 18:23 +0200, Henrik Brautaset Aronsen wrote:
> Tomaz Canabrava wrote:
> > A few bugfixes for today on the globe and the information panel, 
> > branch tcanabrava/zoomSlider. I also added a bit of code to handle the 
> > new library of marble, so if anyone has an older library please talk 
> > to me if anything strange appears ( should appear a zoom slider, as 
> > the branch name says. ).
> The zoom slider is nice (I've missed this!), but it takes too much space 
> IMHO.  Could we have the only the slider on top of the map, and none of 
> the buttons?
> > There's also a new branch named movablePanels where I managed to make 
> > subsurface be a '4' panels app that can be moved around in and out the 
> > mainwindow. I ask people to try it and see if it's acceptable, there 
> > should be a few bugs on it but the ctrl + 1, 2,3, 4, 5 stuff works. 
> > now **if** you mess completely the window, there's no way to go back, 
> > close and reopen the application. I put a bit of love, but not much, 
> > on this branch because I didn't know if that behavior would be 
> > acceptable, so I made something just barely functional for you people 
> > to try.
> The movable panels were too confusing (at least to me).  If we want to 
> provide different layouts, we might do that the way some email clients 
> does, with a couple of pre-defined layouts.   But I don't really think 
> it's necessary.

Dang. I finally get to play with stuff and then Henrik writes my email
for me...

I agree with both comments. Too much space used for slider/buttons, and
the panels are something that Linus and I started out with in the early,
early, early days of Subsurface and moved away from.

What we should do is have a three panel option that turns off the map
and gives back the old layout. And that's about it


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