[PATCH] fi_FI translation

Linus Torvalds torvalds at linux-foundation.org
Tue Feb 12 11:54:24 PST 2013

2013/2/12 Miika Turkia <miika.turkia at gmail.com>:
> There are a few words that should still be translated properly. I just don't
> know what would be proper translation for them.
>  msgid "membrane"
>  msgid "Bailing out to OC"
>  msgid "CC SetPoint"

>From the Suunto DX Finnish manual at


you can see some of the terms at least Suunto uses for CC/OC (closed
circuit and open circuit) (and suunto more commonly uses CCR: Closed
Circuit Rebreather instead of just CC). They talk about bailing out to
OC on page 100: "... suljetun kierron sukellus muuttuu avoimen kierron
sukellukseksi. Tämä ominaisuus on käyttökelpoinen
pelastautumistilanteessa." But I have no idea how to phrase that
"Bailing out to OC". For "SetPoint" they use "asetuspiste" (see a page

"membrane" is the crazy Uemis suit-thickness selection. Which would be
about a trilam drysuit with no inherent insulation in itself. I
suspect the best you can do is "laminaatti", because from looking
around, I can't find anything better. Sure, it's about the material
itself rather than the thinness, but whatever. It doesn't really


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