Extracting information from a webservice

Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou at pingoured.fr
Wed Jan 23 05:31:40 PST 2013

On Wed, 2013-01-23 at 14:21 +0100, Aurélien PRALONG wrote:
> Looks like the bug is on my side (format "hh:mm" instead of "HH:mm"). I'll
> fix it tonight.
> BTW, Pierre-Yves, do we keep this date format, or rather pass on a XML
> date, i.e. with timezone information ? I suggest using client control for
> it, as the phone changes itself the timezone when travelling.

I am wondering if we really need timezone information. We will need to
match time from the computer to time from the phone. The time from the
computer won't have timezone (at least to my knowledge). So I am
wondering if we want timezone.


> Other question, as I understand your API, all the requests are done with a
> HTTP GET ? Usually, when you send data, POST or PUT are used (e.g. github
> API, which is rater standard : http://developer.github.com/v3/). Do you
> confirm ?

Yes indeed, this is something which I have to change to allow POST and
GET, the current situation is actually quite sub-optimal.


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