Trying out a brand new Oceanic Geo 2.0 -- can't sync

Benjamin Kahn xkahn at
Fri Jun 28 18:56:11 PDT 2013

On Fri, 2013-06-28 at 23:25 +0200, Jef Driesen wrote:
> According to the logfile, it works fine for your dive computer. The fact you 
> have no dives is detected correctly and the test app reports success.
> There are however some temporary errors. If you only get them occasionally, then 
> there is no problem and the built-in error recovery will take care of those. But 
> you shouldn't see many of them. But I can't tell from your log whether that's 
> the case or not, simply because there is not enough data transferred.
> Can you make a full memory dump? I would like to have some more test data from 
> an "empty" device, and it will also allow to double check the number of packet 
> errors you get in a larger transfer. Just run the universal app again, but now 
> with these options:
> ./universal -l output.log -m output.bin -n "Oceanic Geo 2.0" -v /dev/ttyUSB0
> Then send both the output.bin and output.log files.

Well, the full memory dump fails after a little more than 3% done.

The log is attached. I ran it twice and the result was the same: it
timed out after 3.64% transferred.

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