Translation help

Dirk Hohndel dirk at
Tue Aug 26 07:03:26 PDT 2014

On August 26, 2014 6:03:33 AM Davide DB <dbdavide at> wrote:

> Another question :-)  sorry.
> When in the companion app I find SimpleDateFormat strings like yyyy-MMM-ddd
> KK:mm:ss a should I localize them?


> > I've nearly completed the Italian translation

Awesome. I don't see a reason to make a 4.2.1 right now... I'll go through 
the commits and see if there's enough there. I don't like to do new 
releases just for translations

> but I have some question.
> >
> > I found several strings that are unit of measure. Why are there?
> > Should I simply copy them "as is"?
> > I.e. m/s ft/s

Depends on what your language does.
In German those are correct so we just copy the source string.
Other languages might have different letters / letters from a different 
alphabet for them

> >
> > "Make first dive computer" in profilewidget2.cpp

When you dive with multiple dive computers you can switch between then with 
the cursor keys. The first one is somewhat special as it is used for some 
calculations. With this you can turn the dive computer currently displayed 
into the first one

> > "Form" in searchbar.ui and planner settings.ui

Not used. It's done default string I believe

> >
> > Last but not the least.
> >
> > I see several resources to translate. Subsurface4, companion, ios app but
> > what is the "term" resource?

That's there to explain some terms to translators who aren't familiar with 
diving terms. It says right in the file not to translate it.

The old subsurface resource (for the gtk version) is still there but is locked.


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