debug SS

Tomaz Canabrava tcanabrava at
Thu Jun 5 15:11:00 PDT 2014

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 6:42 PM, roberto forini <forini.r at> wrote:
> 1) if during a dive plan we change the GF set,  their values are update into
> note but then not correctly displayed into the upper side of the graphics.
> Also if we plan another dive subsurface starts with the GF set in the very
> last plan (not the ones in preferences) but the graphics shows always the
> GF's values set in preferences.

I'm unsure how to deal with this. The GF set in the preferences are
applyed to  all dives when they are displayed on the Profile, whereas
the on the plan it's use to calculate the dive ( if I'm not mistaken
), so I don't see an error.

> 2) Into the note i would like to have the "L" instead of "l" as unit in Gas
> consumption. Because of the small difference between l and 1 ... 4/4 of my
> friends (me too) think that "l" was a "1". Maybe ytou can put a space
> between the number and the unit (1245 l or 1245L instead of 1245l)

ykes, sorry for that :)

> 3) could be possible have such info in the note box during the dive plan?
> Consumption / Total
> 2450L / 4200L of aria
> total is calculated from cyls and start pressure given. This could lead to a
> very easy planning of the "rock bottom" expecially if we can set a safe
> percentage of minimum gas for each cyls.
> 4) i plan a dive and i add some cyls. lets say air, ean50 and ox. In the
> planning mode i use only air. I save the plan. In the note there is the
> runtime and other info. Now i modify the dive adding the deco cyls in the
> graph. Note window is not updated with the new runtime, gas switch and gas
> consumptions.
> 5) i plan a dive using air, ean50 and ox. i set type of cyls, pressures and
> depth for gas switch. save the dive close subsurface. i open it again load
> the dive. Now the depth for gas switch is missing (set to 0) and also the
> MOD is wrong. and info about gas change is wrong (ean50 is ean500...ean100
> is ean1000)
> 6) adding some pictures they are displayed over the dive graph. Is it
> normal? i would like not.

It is, but fear not, they are in the wrong location and it will be in
a much, much better state later.
you will be able to disable them but I really think you will like what
I'm doing.

> 7) pictures should be included in a file or more than one (mdb?) that could
> be possible to move together with the xml file. Paths, drives and computer
> and folders may change for thousand reasons... each time i'll lose the
> picture links.

I agree that we should have a way to copy them but this will make the
XML huge and terrible at parsing. I'm studying options.

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