locations and coordinates

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Tue May 6 10:41:25 PDT 2014

On Tue, 2014-05-06 at 18:36 +0200, Ďoďo wrote:
> Discussing coordinates ...
> I played with it intensively 2 days ago and trying to du multiple
> selection and enter coordinates for several dives. Did not work all
> the time for me. But I was not able to find some pattern behind.
> Anyone observed the same? 
> I did not see similar problem when trying to modify for multiple dives
> some other properties.

Yes, the pattern is that we have two interrelated bugs here

a) we are supposed to check if the value of an edited field matches the
master dive before we change the value in a selected dive. We didn't do
this for all but one field. You guessed it. Coordinates

b) when we did that check we stupidly modified the dives in the order of
the divelist - which means that the master dive would possibly changed
at some random time "in the middle" of the loop. So some of the dives
would be changed, and some wouldn't.

I have fixes for both of them in the works. And then was able to make
things crash, and they crashed so badly that QtCreator took KDE down and
locked my system up hard.


Is it time for my dive trip, yet? I'm really not having fun...


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