FTBFS following instructions from the website

Dirk Hohndel dirk at hohndel.org
Thu Feb 5 15:32:35 PST 2015

On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 11:29:17PM +0100, Salvo Tomaselli wrote:
> >After compiling marble, did you do:
> >
> ># make install ? (after make #)
> It is not specified in the build page to do so. So no, I didn't do it.
> As a personal preference, I never run "make install" outside of a chroot,
> because it's going to spread files all over the filesystem, that aren't
> tracked by anything, so I view this intense forking activity as a downside.

You can avoid running make install and run the fake install that I run on
my systems...

cd marble
        -DBUILD_WITH_DBUS=OFF ../marble-source
make -j12

# fake install
if [ ! -d include ] ; then
        mkdir include
        cd include
        for i in $(find ../../marble-source -name \*.h); do ln -s $i .; done
        ln -s . marble
        cd ..
if [ ! -d lib ] ; then
        mkdir lib
cp src/lib/marble/libssrfmarblewidget.dll lib

And then you tell qmake where to find things:

qmake-qt5 LIBMARBLEDEVEL=../marble \
        SPECIAL_MARBLE_PREFIX=1 subsurface.pro

this assumes that marble is the directory in parallel to your subsurface
directory that you build in, and in parallel to that you also have
marble-source with is the checked out tree.

Yes, it's super crude, but it solves the problem nicely :-/


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