only copy used cylinders to planned dive

Joakim Bygdell j.bygdell at
Thu Jan 1 10:58:13 PST 2015

Let's see if we can get som insight into this issue.

In 4.2 and earlier when downloading from my DC all enabled gases are downloaded on each dive.
But only the first gas are given cylinder size and pressure as seen below.

<cylinder size='24.0 l' workpressure='232.0 bar' description='D12 232 bar' o2='26.0%' />
<cylinder o2='32.0%' />
<cylinder o2='24.0%' he='24.0%' />
<cylinder o2='50.0%' />

As long as the user only uses one gas and that it is the first gas in the list the user will not think that anything is amiss.
In the equipment tab in subsurface the first gas will be listed as it have proper cylinder info.
The other three gases will not show up in the equipment list unless the user manually adds more cylinders to the dive, then these cylinders will show up not empty but with the corresponding gasmixes.

When launching the planner with a dive selected that have a cylinder list like above only one cylinder and gasmix will be visible under "Available gases".
But the caclculated plan will contain other gases than the one visble in the planner as seen below.

Subsurface dive plan
based on GFlow = 30 and GFhigh = 85

depth runtime gas
15m 1min EAN26
15m 40min
12m 40min EAN50
0m 43min

CNS: 7%
OTU: 18

Gas consumption:
1982ℓ/83bar of EAN26 (0ℓ/0bar in planned ascent)
0ℓ (0ℓ during planned ascent) of EAN32
0ℓ (0ℓ during planned ascent) of (24/24)
103ℓ (103ℓ during planned ascent) of EAN50

In 4.3 all gases including the disabled ones are downloaded on each dive.
But more importantly all are also given the default cylinder upon import.
Since they all have size and pressure they will be listed under the equipment tab in subsurface and as such will be visible to the user.


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