Updated Mac build instructions

Henrik Brautaset Aronsen subsurface at henrik.synth.no
Fri Jan 2 11:31:08 PST 2015

Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 11:35:41AM +0100, Robert C. Helling wrote:
>>> Am 26.12.2014 um 11:02 schrieb Henrik Brautaset Aronsen<subsurface at henrik.synth.no>:
>>> I updated the build instructions on the web page awhile ago,
>> Do those really work for you? For me qt5 from homebrew is "keg only" i.e. Does not link files not to interfere wit qt4. Even
>> brew link --force qt5
>> Leaves my system in an unusable mess. So I gave up on qt5 from homebrew and compiled it manually.
> I gave up on homebrew ages ago. It causes way more problems than it
> solves, especially when trying to ship binaries

I had a Mac here without any dev tools on it, so I decided to try the 
build instructions that I updated on the website in October.  It has 
later been changed by others, but my version still works with minor 

- Uses Qt5 from Homebrew, no compilation necessary.
- Uses latest Marble from official sources, no special branch or patches 
- Fewer options in Subsurface qmake.

- Somewhat longer Marble build instructions.  But I could make a script 
in packages/macosx/ to fix that (if anyone wants it).

Here it is:

$ brew install asciidoc libzip qt5 sqlite cmake libusb pkg-config libgit2
$ brew link --force sqlite

$ cd ~/src
$ git clone git://anongit.kde.org/marble marble-source
$ cd marble-source
$ mkdir marble-build
$ cd marble-build
$ cd src/lib/marble
$ make -j4
$ install_name_tool -id /usr/local/lib/$(echo libmarblewidget.??.dylib) 
$ cp -v *dylib /usr/local/lib/
$ mkdir -p /usr/local/include/marble
$ cp -v $(find ~/src/marble-source/src/lib -name '*.h') 

$ cd ~/src
$ brew install automake libtool
$ git clone -b Subsurface-testing git://subsurface-divelog.org/libdc 
$ cd libdivecomputer
$ autoreconf --install
$ ./configure --disable-shared
$ make -j4
$ make install

$ cd ~/src
$ git clone git://subsurface-divelog.org/subsurface.git
$ cd subsurface
$ /usr/local/opt/qt5/bin/qmake INCLUDEPATH+="/usr/local/include 
/usr/local/opt/sqlite/include" LIBS+="-L/usr/local/lib 
$ make -j4
$ make install_mac_bundle

Should I create a patch for the INSTALL file, and update the website?


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